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The Virtuoso inspiration

My first-ever Cardistry deck was Fall / Winter 2017 VIRTUOSO DECK. I was just doing cardistry as a side hobby until I got my hands-on this cardistry deck which changed the way I viewed the art form. I started having fun with cards like never before. Learning new flourishes and practicing while enjoying this beautiful art form. I was basically inspired by the designed of this deck and made me fall in love with cardistry. So I tried creating a short cardistry video using the virtuoso fall/winter 2017 deck. I hope you like and subscribe for more art and cardistry videos. 

How I got started in Cardistry and Why?

MAGICAL PAPERS      A few years back I started learning magic, but after learning a few months I somehow lost interest in it. Then I came across Cardistry, It was like love at first sight because I found out people just create these fascinating displays and movements with just 52 pieces of rectangular papers. And I just happen to love creating things.       I thought why not give it a try. So, I started learning basic grips and simple packet cuts from Youtube. And that is how I got started in dropping cards. ( Only Cardists get this joke, so if you want to know what I meant, start doing Cardistry. ) CREATIVITY       As I was surfing through Youtube looking at tutorials I came across this channel named punchwater (Sean O.). He was so cool doing Cardistry and doing crazy editings in his videos. I never thought something as basic as papers could make you so cool. ( Sean if you're reading this you're an inspiration to me and I think you're awesome ).      

What is Cardistry?

     Cardistry may sound like it is something related to credit cards or greeting cards or even gambling for some people. But I can assure you that Cardistry is nowhere near like gambling. Cardistry is a visual art form created with the use of playing cards. For simplicity it can be defined as uniquely shuffling of cards. Now, you may be thinking how is a visual art created with 52 pieces of paper.      Apparently for us Cardists, 52 pieces of paper is all we need to come up with something visually unique. Cardistry includes things like displays, packet cuts/flourishes, card throws, isolations, aerials and twirls and many more. We Cardists mostly share our skills on Instagram and YouTube.     Cardistry is not just a community, it is a common interest that connects people around the world with just 52 pieces of paper. I know this sounds weird but once you see our community you will be fascinated to see how many people around the world connect with just playing cards. For us